[progress] month of Nov.

Wrapped up chapter 6 rough draft. Doing some testing while working on refactoring the entire code (particularly file organization and how I keep track of NPC trust values), because I have figured out how to use the Tweego compiler, so that I don’t have to edit individual passages in the Twine editor when I update the main story document. Now I can just select all, copy and paste into a .tw file, and as long as I have the right twee3 notation in the story document, this is much faster and less error-prone.

The word-count is tricky because the narrative is intertwined with code in a single document and there are a lot of loose comments and twee3 notation that make it difficult to discount words that viewers don’t see. So I might just round up to the 10k number.

So far…

  • ~140,000 words including code
  • old save files might be broken due to code refactoring

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